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Hoka Hey: The Adventures of Zac King – (Legend of Tala Whitecloud)

This supernatural thriller underscores the current strife of American Indians who defend their sacred rights against corporate greed and corruption of Big Oil. Imagine a world where all Native Americans stood together as one tribe, with one voice. There are insidious reasons the Indian Nations are kept silent and the government has intentionally fractured tribal communities. Big Oil desecrates sacred Indian burial grounds for drilling and fracking, willing to disturb the dead to get it, until now. Tala Whitecloud holds the key, a force so powerful and a revelation so shocking it forever alters mankind’s destiny. A unifying voice representing The United Indian Nation, Tala is dying to be heard and it’s “A Good Day to Die.” This is her story.

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Hoka Hey: Legend of Tala Whitecloud Episode 1 – The Shapeshifters
Hoka Hey: Episode 2 – A Good Day to Die

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